Sunday 26 May 2024


Mol Thagaraidh, a remote shingle bay on the eastern coast of the district of Eishken in Lewis. Three miles, as the sea-eagle flies, from Lemreway; thirty miles overland. The hill of Fiar Chreag towers over the location, and is the final resting place of a Lockheed Hudson III plane, which crashed there on July 31st, 1942. The three crew all perished. It is thought the plane came down in fog, and had it flown but 10 feet higher, it would have cleared the hill. It took a while for the remains of Flying Officer John Derek Brearly Rigby, Flying Officer Frank Richard Hancock and Sergeant Bernard Frederick Charles Rixon to be removed from Mulhagery. Rigby and Hancock are buried at Sandwick; Rixon is at rest at Hoddesdon near Hertford, north of London.